We have blogged a lot about using
lemons in green cleaning recipes. Here are some more uses for lemons.
Did you know that?
- A lemon at room temperature will yield more juice.
- Before juicing, press down firmly and roll the lemon on the countertop to help break up the pulp.
- Freeze lemon juice in ice cube trays and when frozen place in plastic bags.
- Tenderize meat by marinating in lemon juice.
- Squeeze lemon on vegetables while steaming them to help keep the colors bright.
- Add lemon juice to rice while it is cooking for a nice fluffy finish.
- A few drops of lemon juice will help improve the flavor of other fruits.
- To revive wilted lettuce, place it in a bowl of water with 4 tbsp of lemon juice. Put the bowl in the refrigerator and chill until you are ready to use it.
Do you have any other good ideas
for lemons? Please share!