Monday, May 7, 2012

This Week's Goal

Hope last week’s goal went well and that you are water drinking machine by now!  This week’s goal is to stretch. A regular stretching program can help lengthen your muscles and make daily living activities easier. Stretching does not have to involve a huge time commitment, but it can end up giving you huge results.  There are simple stretches you can do while watching TV, on the phone, or getting ready for bed. Here are some of the benefits of stretching:
  • More energy (resulting from increased circulation)
  • Reduced muscle tension
  • Increased range of movement in the joints
  • Enhanced muscular coordination
  • Increased circulation of the blood to various parts of the body
Stellibell is a huge fan of Oxygen magazine. You can find great exercise tips on their site. Here you will find some great stretches that will take you about five minutes to do:

Good luck!